Take a more comprehensive picture, and you will get to know the real meaning of rig tongs. The rig things are used for spinning the pipe up and, in some cases, applying final makeup torque. Power utensils are enormous pneumatically or using pressurized water worked rig tongs utilized for turning while making up or breaking out drill pipe, packaging, tubing, or another line.

What are Rig Tongs Used For

Reliant upon the particular application, there are chisel tongs, casing tongs, rotary tongs, and manual tongs, and that's just the beginning. Here, we'll respond to a couple of doubts concerning rig tongs so you can more likely comprehend how they're utilized and how they could help your oil patch activity.

What are rig tongs?

Rig tongs, breakout or makeup tubing, casing, and drill pipes are very detailed. Tongs utilized during breakout — or loosening actions— are intelligently called breakout tongs, while those used during cosmetics — or fixing tasks — are called makeup tongs. Rig tongs are constantly used two by two.

The primary arrangement of utensils is tied to the derrick with a chain or cable, while the rest are pulled with mechanical catheads. How much power must be applied to the power tong drilling rig to get the proper association torque? The formula for deciding the value of torque is this:

Torque=Force x Length of the tong


  • Torque is estimated in feet-pounds

  • Force is calculated in pounds

  • The length of the tong is estimated in feet


Explain the different sorts of rig tong drivers? Tong die drivers come in three primary ranges.

  • Straight Tong Die Driver: it is Utilized for pass-on opening redressing. The straight tong dies the bucket driver is the minor problematic sort of rig tong. However, it is likewise the most accessible sort of rig tong to utilize, and it is additionally the most unprotected of the three. Its handle and handguard safeguard the hammer blow from falling onto the hold. Straight tong dies, the bucket drivers are lightweight — under eight pounds — and estimated at around 1".

What are Rig Tongs Used For

  • Angled Tong Die Driver: The angled tong die driver has a hold that is calculated away from the opposite tong and brass guards for the tong tip and handles, making this rig tong more secure than the straight tong die, driver. While this tong is more secure, it's more diligently to keep the point tong die the driver set up. This driver is comparable long to the straight tong die driver yet is around two pounds heavier, tipping the scales at over nine pounds.

  • Hammerless Tong Die Driver: This array of tong dies drivers is comprised of a hand pipe that can be utilized to apply pressure to the tong's tip without utilizing a hammer at all. This choice is the most secure of the three driver types since no hammer is needed. It's likewise the slowest driver for this similar explanation. The hammerless tong dies driver is similarly lengthy and weighs as much as the straight tong die driver.


One of the primary uses of the rig tong is to make up links. When planning the best way to do this successfully, you want to consider getting the proper torque worth to the connection with the rig tong. Similarly, topics like oilfield tools or oilfield pump parts are very vast to comprehend, so you should have the proper knowledge whenever you are working with these tools.